Cattail Creek Farm
We will build your dream chicken coop! An attractive and safe home for your chickens. It is a 4' by 4' wooden coop, built with two comfy nesting boxes and two roosting bars. Will hold up to 10 chickens. Easy access to clean, with a large side "people" door, chicken door with ramp and outside access to nesting boxes to collect your farm fresh eggs! Two windows provide excellent cross ventilation with two "open" settings to choose from. Windows are screened with hardware cloth on the inside to keep the coop safe from varmints and snakes.
Free delivery within 30 miles of 20711 otherwise inquire about pricing.Base Price: $600 You can also add on these extra features...base to elevate the coop ($50)extra windows and/ or electricity (ask for pricing)a custom 12"sign for your chicken coop ($50)painted to your specific color choice ($130)